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Sautéed Jerusalem Artichokes


Jerusalem Artichokes are rich in iron to give you energy, alongside potassium and vitamin B1 to support your muscles and nerves. Although they're sweet, their starchy fibre stops any spikes in blood sugar levels. They also have a lower glycemic index (GI) score than potatoes. The perfect companion for a winter roast.

I must admit this was the first time I cooked these wonderful root vegetables myself. I've had them before in restaurant meals, however they have become a fast favourite in our household. They are so versatile from soups, side dished and also garnishes. Cannot wait to experiment with them some more, for now I hope you enjoy them in a sautéed form below.

Sautéed Jerusalem Artichokes

Serves: 4 Time: 40


  • 600g Jerusalem artichokes

  • drizzle of olive oil

  • 1/2 tablespoon of sage

  • 2 cloves garlic

  • 1 splash white wine vinegar

  • salt

  • pepper


  1. Peel artichokes, then cut them into chunks.

  2. Place them in an oiled frying pan and fry on a medium heat until golden on both sides, 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped, a splash of white wine vinegar, some sage, salt and pepper, and place a lid on top.

  3. After about 20 to 25 minutes they will have softened up nicely and you can remove the lid.

  4. Continue cooking for a couple of minutes to crisp the artichoke slices up one last time, then serve straight away.

Personally, I think these are a great accompaniment to any protein meal or in a warm salad.

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